Writing for the Web

The Internet is full of fascinating places to find information, check out your favorite companies and stores, look for deals, read the news, and much more. However, people don’t read information on the web in the same way that they read a printed newspaper, magazine, or a book. As writers, we have to be very aware of how people approach a web page so that we can create interesting and engaging content. This one-day course is for people who write for readers on the web.
What Will Students Learn?
• Apply engaging techniques that draw readers to web pages
• Plan what to write to reflect their web hierarchy
• Create engaging content, including catchy headlines
• Enhance their writing with other forms of media
• Make their writing accessible to a variety of readers
What Topics are Covered?
• Getting to know the web
• Tips on creating a site hierarchy
• Creating your content
• Deciding what’s fit to print
• Adding audio and video to your content
• Getting your content noticed